Delightful Quotes
‘Self-Mastery is the ability to envision and see yourself through the eyes of your Creator. It is the only way to really find out how Divinely Designed you are!’
—– Chelita Grace
‘If you’re ready to grow, you will be challenged. If you’re ready to succeed, you must challenge yourself. If you are ready for your purpose, you can spread your wings and fly!’
—- Chelita Grace
‘How do you know if you are ready for your next big scary dream?……….. You are ready when the fear no longer scares you.’
—- Chelita Grace
‘Overcoming adversity is an every day challenge’
—- Chelita Grace
‘To hope for better times is to accomplish the seeing of your better Self, without having met her yet in person’
—- Chelita Grace
‘Success is the never ending tree of life. It will keep growing and branching upwards while knowing that it will never reach the skies’
—- Chelita Grace
‘The Power of Selflove is to shower yourself with love. Keep doing this every single day. Eventually this shower will turn into a fountain. This fountain sets off in a river. The river results in a wetland that will mightily stream into the ocean. Love yourself. It invokes an ocean of blessings’
—- Chelita Grace
‘The secret to a life filled with abundance is the talent to gift yourself the luxury of being selfish, the bracelet of vanity and the designer bag of inner peace’
—- Chelita Grace
‘The secret to getting rich is an excessive amount of wisdom. Not the kind of wisdom that comes from your mind, but the one that flows from the heart’
—- Chelita Grace
‘Money never walks alone. It walks with its friends called choices, its niece called manager and its auntie named pass on’
—- Chelita Grace
‘I’ve been through it all and I’ve seen it all, the lowest of the valleys and the highest of the mountains. But there are a few things I will always keep searching for: it’s the smile of a child, the stillness of steam and the innocence of a flower’
— Chelita Grace
‘Prayer and Meditation are my life’s passions’
—Chelita Grace